Pneumonia associated with mechanical ventilation - VAP is the second most frequent infection in ICUs with rates ranging from 9% to 40% of infections and it is associated with an increase in the period of hospitalization and morbidity and mortality rates. It affect significantly the hospital expenses.
A pneumonia associada a ventilação mecânica – PAV é a segunda infecção mais frequente em
UTIs, com taxas que variam de 9 a 40% das infecções e está associada a um aumento no
período de hospitalização e índices de morbimortalidade, repercutindo de maneira
significativa nos custos hospitalares.
VAP is an infection that appears after 48 hours of endotracheal intubation and institution of invasive mechanical ventilation (IMV), or 48 hours after extubation, with the presence of new pulmonary infiltrate seen on chest radiography, persisting for more than 24 hours without other explainable causes.
The duration of days on mechanical ventilation increases the incidence of this infection in approximately 3% per day for the first five days of ventilation and then 2% for each subsequent day.
For diagnostic purposes, clinical criteria based on exams should be analyzed with laboratory tests, arterial blood gases, temperature and physical examination of the patient as radiological findings showing a new infiltrate suggestive of pneumonia. For all criteria, the period prior to the suspicion of VAP is taken into account.
Every patient with a strong suspicion of pneumonia should have their treatment started before obtaining crop results. Treatment should be based on clinical criteria, as long as there is no alternative explanation for the disease. The care for patients on mechanical ventilation is a priority focus because it is a population with high rates of morbidity and mortality, instituting the VAP Bundle is essential for good results.
Bundle is a set of good practices, which when properly implemented result in reducing the incidence of adverse events.
The specific measures recommended for the prevention of pneumonia are:
It is recommended as a reducing agent of comorbidities for critical patients in ICUs, studies show a dramatic reduction in VAP cases with application to DVT prophylaxis.