Elastomeric infusers were developed over twenty years ago, they are used in several types of drug therapies around the world, such as acute pain control in the postoperative, chronic pain control, antibiotic therapies, palliative care and talassemia. In Brazil, it is commonly used in oncology.
Elastomeric infusers were developed over twenty years ago, they are used in several types of drug therapies around the world, such as acute pain control in the postoperative, chronic pain control, antibiotic therapies, palliative care and talassemia. In Brazil, it is commonly used in oncology.
The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates by the year 2040 there will be about 29 million cancer cases due to the growth and aging of the population, leading to greater economic burden on health.
Among the various cancer treatment modalities, antineoplastic therapy (chemotherapy) is the most frequent. About 60 to 70% of patients need this therapy, which uses chemical agents, isolated or combined and monoclonal antibodies, with the objective of treating malignant tumors, which may or may not be associated with other modalities.
The therapy protocol is instituted according to the type of tumor, biological behavior, location, extent of disease, age and general condition of the patient. Currently this therapeutic modality is made possible thanks to the use of health technologies such as use of continuous infusion devices.
The BeCare Elastomeric Pump meets health technologies and needs of oncology services, a product capable of meeting different types of antineoplastic chemotherapy protocols.
The BeCare Elastomeric Pump is a device that allows continuous infusion of the medication, with programmed flow, it does not require battery or mains for its functioning, the medication is packaged in the elastomer and protected by a wrapper, in In general, the intravenous administration route is performed through the portocath catheter, therapy can vary in up to seven days of infusion.
Considering the different types of reactions that the organism can present in response to treatment, the psychological fragility of the cancer patient and the search for a greater adherence and acceptance, instituting therapy using an elastomeric pump provides the greater quality of life, allowing the patient to go home receiving chemotherapy continuously.
Home treatment avoids long and frequent periods of hospitalization, reducing hospital costs and risks, such as opportunistic infections, thromboembolisms and depressive pictures.
Family life, the return to daily activities and even work provide higher levels of endorphins, oxytocin and dopamine (pleasure neurotransmitters), reduce cortisol levels through the adrenal gland, decreasing stress and raising the defense system of the body.
The nursing team has a fundamental role in this type of therapy, it is up to the Nurse, expose to the patient the functioning characteristics, the safety of use of the product, handling care and guiding you in relation to your activities, attending to your doubts and desires, reassures you and thus build a nurse-patient relationship, sure it will last for weeks.